
This project involved the development of an application software which included the phases of planning, project information and conceptual design geared to assist in establishment of concepts and the dimension of the cabins for agricultural machinery and its components. In this tool you can perform the following: storage, integration, and queries about technical standards, information and related literature. The archiving of data is accomplished by using the server (MySQL), which enables you to create an interface over the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Delphi manipulating the records and inserting operations which automate the registration process. As far as the data stored is concerned, these refer to two groups, one dedicated to queries, such as images of booths, technical agricultural machinery data available and symbols, and another dedicated to provide the information of the projects developed. After finishing the project registration, it will be possible to generate reports of the entire process. Therefore, the structure’s improvement of the data allows for obtaining greater agility in the project of machine cabins and greater reliability of the information processed in the station operation development.
The menu available also contains three more options, "New Project", "Project Edit View" and "Query Edit Influential factors in Project" (Figure 1), which like the parts that comprise them, are presented separately.

Figure 1. Interface SAPROC to initial screen

The tab "Hierarchy of Customer Requirements" aims to identify the most important user requirements for the project, using the tool "Mudge diagram" (Figure 2). As soon as the algorithms have been calculated, the software does the calculation of the percentages of importance, allowing for their hierarchical organization.

Figure 2. Interface SAPROC to the tab "Hierarchical organization of the customer requirements - R.C."

Article FT-Raman and FTIR spectra of photoactive aminobenzazole derivatives in the solid state: A combined experimental and theoretical study

Article published available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0254058414005690 

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